Pokertracker 4 free hud profile
Pokertracker 4 free hud profile

The ' Last X Weeks' option is a great way to ensure your Hud data is as recent as possible, while still allowing use of cached data for better performance. This is a very useful feature to compare how an opponent is playing at the table versus his long term results.Īnd lastly you can choose to show stats from the last X number of hands, or the last X number of weeks, for a player. The Retrieve Session Stats for Tooltips option is enabled by default and shows the current table session results in a tooltip whenever you hover over a stat in the HUD. If you want to display all data regardless of the bet type, keep this box unchecked.

pokertracker 4 free hud profile

So if you played both PL and NL tables against a player, and only wanted to show NL data on a NL table and PL data on a PL table, check the Stats From Current Bet Type Only box. The bet type describes whether you are playing in a NL, PL, or Limit game. If you want the Hud to show his data from all limits you've played with him, keep this box unchecked.

pokertracker 4 free hud profile

If you play both $1/$2NL and $2/$4NL cash games against a certain player, and only wanted to see his $1/$2NL data when playing those tables, and only $2/$4 data when playing $2/$4 tables, you would want to check the Stats From Current Cash Stake Only box. You can also filter Hud data by the cash stake and bet type. If you only wanted your Hud to appear after you had 10 hands on a player, change this number to 10. If you wanted your Hud to immediately show up for a player, change this to 1.

pokertracker 4 free hud profile

Start by selecting the minimum number of hands before your Hud appears for a player. This section allows you to add basic filters for your Hud.

Pokertracker 4 free hud profile