While the other five variables, namely manpower procurement, employee development, performance appraisal, compensation and occupational safety and health, are in the Good category. Of the six variables used to describe Human Resource Management at Embroidery Convection SMEs in Gebog District, Kudus Regency, there is only 1 variable that is in the fairly good category, namely: career development. The sample used in this study was as many as 125 people. The population in this study are Formal and Informal Entrepreneurs in the context of Embroidery Convection SMEs in Gebog District, Kudus Regency. Dengan kekomplekkan kegiatan manajemen sumber daya manusia, maka pemimpin perusahaan mulai mengarah pada pendekatan lain yaitu pendekatan sistem sosialyang merupakan suatu pendekatan yang dalam pemecahan masalah tersebut selalu memperhitungkan faktor-faktor lingkungan. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis. Manajemen sumber daya manusia atau personalia merupakan proses yang kompleks. The embroidery convection business which is the object of research is 125 businesses operating in Pedurenan and Karangmalang villages. This study aims to describe the application of human resource management in embroidery convection SMEs in the Gebog District, Kudus Regency, which includes: labor procurement, employee development, career development, work performance assessment, compensation and occupational safety and health.